Cannot read property 'appId' 小程序预警处理不了
发布于 5 年前 作者 fang49 9177 次浏览 来自 问答


Appid: wx687b1b524d23f77c

告警时间: 2021-10-07 22:52:00

错误类型: 业务代码错误

告警内容: 阈值告警,当前10 上限10

错误样例 (展示top3错误):

1 Cannot read property ‘appId’ of undefined 4次

登录公众平台小程序运维中心  查看更多错误信息     好像类似底层官方的问题

Cannot read property \‘appId\’ of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property \‘appId\’ of undefined

at Od (WASplashadWorker.js:1:295216)

at Wd.beforeSuccess (WASplashadWorker.js:1:297114)

at o.<anonymous> (WASplashadWorker.js:1:262930)

at <NetworkRequest7success callback function>

at https://lib/WAWorker.js:2:164596

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