发布于 5 年前 作者 dgu 10513 次浏览 来自 问答


wxlog:send req[<WXLaunchMiniProgramReq: 0x282166a40>], appID:wx5d79b92de114e3df, universalLink:, sdkVersion:

wxlog:LaunchMiniProgram todata extDic=(null)

wxlog:set property list

wxlog:Error:fail to load Keychain status:-25300, keyData null:1

wxlog:token[(null)] is null

wxlog:launch app with ul only success

wxlog:launch app with universal link, ret:1

wxlog:req:<WXLaunchMiniProgramReq: 0x282166a40>, cid:bf28ac382ac92bb8fbd5beea5313b8d65431f14c

wxlog:Error:fail to delete Keychain before add status:-25300

wxlog:Error:set token fail, errCode:6, errLog:fail to add Keychain status:-25299

wxlog:Error:check or record token fail, error:Error Domain=WXOpenSDKRefreshTokenError Code=6 "fail to add Keychain status:-25299" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=fail to add Keychain status:-25299}

wxlog:delay launch wx with refresh token fail

wxlog:Error:fail to load Keychain status:-25300, keyData null:1

wxlog:token[(null)] is null

wxlog:set property list

wxlog:launch app with ul only success

wxlog:openURL success:1, url:




时间点:2021年6月8日 17点21

1 回复

请阅读 不再提供小程序打开App技术服务 官方公告,可能与此有关。
