发布于 5 年前 作者 shaoyan 14051 次浏览 来自 官方Issues

工程部署在阿里云,如果直连internet的话https访问 / 都是正常的

但是如果通过出网NGINX做4层转发的话,则 https访问 api.weixin.qq.com正常,但是访问 api.weixin.qq.com则报握手失败

日志如附件。JDK里面 中 jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms  去掉 SSLv3选项后 问题依旧

日志如下,限于篇幅,二进制内容被删除了 握手错误:

Extension signature_algorithms, signature_algorithms: SHA512withECDSA, SHA512withRSA, SHA384withECDSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA224withECDSA, SHA224withRSA, SHA224withDSA, SHA1withECDSA, SHA1withRSA, SHA1withDSA

Extension extended_master_secret

Extension server_name, server_name: [type=host_name (0),]

Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>


[write] MD5 and SHA1 hashes:  len = 228

pool-6-thread-8, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 228

[write] MD5 and SHA1 hashes:  len = 179

pool-6-thread-8, WRITE: SSLv2 client hello message, length = 179

[Raw write]: length = 181

pool-6-thread-8, received EOFException: error

pool-6-thread-8, handling exception: Remote host closed connection during handshake

pool-6-thread-8, SEND TLSv1.2 ALERT:  fatal, description = handshake_failure 正常,日志只取到server_hello2后一点

Extension elliptic_curves, curve names: {secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1, sect283k1, sect283r1, sect409k1, sect409r1, sect571k1, sect571r1, secp256k1}

Extension ec_point_formats, formats: [uncompressed]

Extension signature_algorithms, signature_algorithms: SHA512withECDSA, SHA512withRSA, SHA384withECDSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA224withECDSA, SHA224withRSA, SHA224withDSA, SHA1withECDSA, SHA1withRSA, SHA1withDSA

Extension extended_master_secret

Extension server_name, server_name: [type=host_name (0),]

Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>


[write] MD5 and SHA1 hashes:  len = 232

pool-6-thread-3, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 232

[Raw write]: length = 237

[Raw read]: length = 5

[Raw read]: length = 93

pool-6-thread-3, READ: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 93

check handshake state: server_hello[2]

*** ServerHello, TLSv1.2

RandomCookie:  GMT: -1648444189 bytes = { 232, 221, 60, 60, 69, 105, 67, 25, 127, 166, 248, 7, 163, 0, 161, 15, 95, 50, 239, 244, 164, 2, 148, 39, 160, 100, 107, 213 }

Session ID:  {149, 115, 170, 109, 46, 167, 220, 223, 249, 252, 230, 2, 122, 202, 23, 133, 233, 184, 9, 178, 206, 153, 41, 158, 253, 36, 220, 84, 29, 57, 82, 159}


Compression Method: 0

Extension server_name, server_name: 

Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>

Extension ec_point_formats, formats: [uncompressed, ansiX962_compressed_prime, ansiX962_compressed_char2]


%% Initialized:  [Session-18, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384]


update handshake state: server_hello[2]

upcoming handshake states: server certificate[11]

upcoming handshake states: server_key_exchange[12](optional)

upcoming handshake states: certificate_request[13](optional)

upcoming handshake states: server_hello_done[14]

upcoming handshake states: client certificate[11](optional)

upcoming handshake states: client_key_exchange[16]

upcoming handshake states: certificate_verify[15](optional)

upcoming handshake states: client change_cipher_spec[-1]

upcoming handshake states: client finished[20]

upcoming handshake states: server change_cipher_spec[-1]

upcoming handshake states: server finished[20]

[read] MD5 and SHA1 hashes:  len = 93

[Raw read]: length = 5

[Raw read]: length = 4455

pool-6-thread-3, READ: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 4455

check handshake state: certificate[11]

update handshake state: certificate[11]

upcoming handshake states: server_key_exchange[12](optional)

upcoming handshake states: certificate_request[13](optional)

upcoming handshake states: server_hello_done[14]

upcoming handshake states: client certificate[11](optional)

upcoming handshake states: client_key_exchange[16]

upcoming handshake states: certificate_verify[15](optional)

upcoming handshake states: client change_cipher_spec[-1]

upcoming handshake states: client finished[20]

upcoming handshake states: server change_cipher_spec[-1]

upcoming handshake states: server finished[20]

*** Certificate chain

chain [0] = [


  Version: V3

  Subject:, O=Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited, L=Shenzhen, ST=Guangdong Province, C=CN

  Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11

  Key:  Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits

  modulus: 16649982029016282961479286768115742811847492435017295634389041289962042289399303849377125921789869284452016801518213794490645956198281416909749021127914645074807906308211243146855860176334131738623490506505183746832566627335699759299043668215563836604578830180597046276349689398152327659294769653857894446521442613537476876293121381457114577957484625710969983831522393729298176612947875606820370360637896968183435663791974879715522667085433555700971120498581058434701019023769350390115948165543682721571956209578434811978440016294561556929797436273640160750546489951752791473640583428814211171085554943350688922895551

  public exponent: 65537

  Validity: [From: Tue Jan 05 08:00:00 CST 2021,

               To: Sat Feb 05 07:59:59 CST 2022]

  Issuer: CN=DigiCert Secure Site CN CA G3, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

  SerialNumber: [    0b9941dd 7c2406e9 b098d88c 550cf8e8]
