微信分享 出现的问题 日志是wxlog:Error:fail to load Keychain status:-25300, keyData null:1
AppDelegate.m:109 微信log ---- wxlog:send req[
AppDelegate.m:109 微信log ---- wxlog:set property list
AppDelegate.m:109 微信log ---- wxlog:Error:fail to load Keychain status:-25300, keyData null:1
AppDelegate.m:109 微信log ---- wxlog:token[(null)] is null
AppDelegate.m:109 微信log ---- wxlog:launch app with ul only success
AppDelegate.m:109 微信log ---- wxlog:launch app with universal link, ret:1
AppDelegate.m:109 微信log ---- wxlog:req:
AppDelegate.m:144 微信回调了4