发布于 5 年前 作者 xiulan97 2438 次浏览 来自 问答
errCode: -404011 cloud function execution error | errMsg: cloud.callFunction:fail requestID 3f8e7c54-d3c2-11ea-85fc-525400fbcc42, cloud function service error code -504002, error message Error: errCode: -502005 database collection not exists | errMsg: [ResourceNotFound] Db or Table not exist. Please check your request, but if the problem cannot be solved, contact us.;
at Object.returnAsCloudSDKError (/var/user/node_modules/wx-server-sdk/index.js:6187:16)
at Object.checkError (/var/user/node_modules/wx-server-sdk/index.js:1364:23)
at Promise (/var/user/node_modules/wx-server-sdk/index.js:1155:33)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7) (callid 1596264202318-0.5918788604671403); at cloud.callFunction api;

1 回复

