分享跳转微信后直接返回app,sdk报错Universal Link失败?
发布于 5 年前 作者 gcheng 8082 次浏览 来自 官方Issues

Univeral links均已填写配置



5, 0, Universal Link check failed. The application is launched by WeChat via scheme, Common problems self-check guide: 

 WeChatSDK: wxlog:Error:WXCheckULStepResult[success: 0, errorInfo: Universal Link check failed. The application is launched by WeChat via scheme, suggestion: Common problems self-check guide:

1 回复

你好,请参考:Universal Link校验不通过/接入新SDK,跳到微信后再回跳App,流程就中止?? - 微信开放社区 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/develop/doc/000880a051015855aea992f995bc09
