iOS 第三方使用微信登陆返回了用户信息,应该登陆成功但是onResp返回NO?
发布于 7 年前 作者 lei92 11138 次浏览 来自 问答


这是我们工程师发的反馈:In WeChat documentation it was described as The third-party app calls this function, switches to WeChat interface and waits for onResp returned from WeChat. WeChat must calls onResp after the asynchronous processing. Possible requests include SendMessageToWXReq, etc. which returns Yes (success) or No (failure) .

So as we understand this method must return NO only in case of failure, but in reality it returns NO and successfully logged in to WeChat. That is the reason we face this issue.

SendAuthReq *req = [[SendAuthReq alloc] init];

req.scope = @“snsapi_userinfo”;

if (![WXApi sendReq:req]) {

    [self callAuthCompletionWithResult:nil withError:[self generateAuthorizationError] isCancelled:NO];


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