发布于 5 年前 作者 jing34 4918 次浏览 来自 问答
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日志内容 Request ID: 01eb4adf-9eee-11e9-bfec-52540025df0e

执行时间: 40.31ms内存使用: 636.00 KB




START RequestId: 01eb4adf-9eee-11e9-bfec-52540025df0e

Event RequestId: 01eb4adf-9eee-11e9-bfec-52540025df0e

2019-07-05T06:27:48.320Z e6551844-9eed-11e9-9224-525400192d0e Database operation is longer than 3s. Please check query performance and your network environment.

2019-07-05T06:27:48.323Z e6551844-9eed-11e9-9224-525400192d0e (node:20604) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error

2019-07-05T06:27:48.323Z e6551844-9eed-11e9-9224-525400192d0e (node:20604) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

2019-07-05T06:27:48.323Z  user id: ocI4Y0bVsdY0Qfw9sMruoJLk8cLY

2019-07-05T06:27:48.361Z  { data: [], errMsg: 'collection.get:ok' }

2019-07-05T06:27:48.361Z  0

2019-07-05T06:27:48.361Z  in addUser

2019-07-05T06:27:48.363Z  { data: [], errMsg: 'collection.get:ok' }

END RequestId: 01eb4adf-9eee-11e9-bfec-52540025df0e

Report RequestId: 01eb4adf-9eee-11e9-bfec-52540025df0e Duration:40ms Memory:256MB MaxMemoryUsed:0.621094MB

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1 回复

我没懂!这玩意 腾讯云函数查询腾讯云数据库还能超时的吗??还是什么地方写的不标准,求指点!
