发布于 6 年前 作者 yangshi 11977 次浏览 来自 问答
  • 当前 Bug 的表现(可附上截图)

Enter the live broadcast room which has already started. If the image is not displayed, the sound can come out. The person who initiated the live broadcast should stop the push stream and then push the stream again to see the display of the local screen(进入已经开始的直播房间,进入不显示图像,声音能出来,发起直播人要停止推流然后重新推流,观看的地方画面展示

  • 预期表现

When entering the live broadcast room, the screen can be displayed normally, without the need to launch a new push stream from the live broadcast party(进入直播房间能正常展示画面,不需要发起直播方重新推流

  • 复现路径
  • 提供一个最简复现 Demo

<live-player id=“player” src=“rtmp://” mode=“RTC” bindstatechange=“statechange” bindfullscreenchange=“fullscreenchange” bindnetstatus=“dnetstarts” binderror=“error” min-cache=“0.2s” max-cache=“0.8s” object-fit=“fillCrop” />
