3 回复
XCode10打包引发的系统 Webview bug ,目前在等待苹果官方修复。
下面是 stack overflow 的一个解决方案,可以参考一下。
/** * iOS 12 bug for keyboard dismissing, view not restored ಠ_ಠ */ if (device.ios && device.osVersion.split( '.' )[0] >= 12) { jQuery(document).delegate( 'input, textarea' , 'blur' , function (){ setTimeout( function (){ // did not work for me straight away without a small timeout ಠ_ಠ jQuery( 'html' ).animate({height: '100.1vh' }, 100, function (){ // did not work for me with just one instruction with 100vh ಠ_ಠ // the easing smooth doesn't work all the time properly ಠ_ಠ jQuery( this ).animate({height: '100vh'}, 1); }); },100); }); } |
VUE 指令方法
// Vue指令,解决IOS软键盘关闭后,被撑起的页面无法回退到原来正常的位置 import Vue from 'vue' ; Vue.directive( 'ios-bug-fixed' , { inserted(el) { el.__reset_input_handler = () => { window.scrollBy(0, -1); setTimeout(() => { window.scrollBy(0, 1); }, 10); } el.addEventListener( 'focusout' , el.__reset_input_handler); el.addEventListener( 'blur' , el.__reset_input_handler); }, unbind(el) { el.removeEventListener( 'focusout' , el.__reset_input_handler); el.removeEventListener( 'blur' , el.__reset_input_handler); delete el.__reset_input_handler; } }); |
< cube-input class = "input-item" v-ios-bug-fixed v-model = "model.phone" placeholder = "手机号" :maxlength = "20" ></ cube-input > |