map scale up problem
发布于 6 年前 作者 nasong 7040 次浏览 来自 问答
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<map style=“width:100%;height:100%” id=“myMap” show-location latitude=13.8000949591 longitude=100.550317565 markers="{{markers_live}}" scale="{{scale}}"></map>

I’m try to set map scale in Android by setData({scale : 20}) , the problem in android is map not scale over 19 but in IOS it smooth change scale.

3 回复

There is some official claims that the next version will keep iOS and Android in line.

Hello, this is a known issue which will be fixed with the next version.

The ‘causeBy’ is not exact in Android. When I set the latitude and longitude of the map component, it would display the type for ‘drag’ and ’ ', but I didn’t drag the map.
