2 回复
const defaultProgress = { uploading: false , progressShow: false , progress: 0, url: '' , task: {} }; const defaultApply = { id: null , sex: 2, post: 1, onPost: true , inspectedRealName: '' , reason: '' , imageId: '' , imageIdArray: [], jobImage: '' , jobImageArray: [], progressArray: [] }; //上传图片 chooseImageClick: function (e) { console.info( '[chooseImageClick]----->' , e); let that = this ; that.setData({ stageBtnDisabled: true , submitBtnDisabled: true }); wx.getLocation({ success: function (location_res) { console.info( '[wx.getLocation success]----->' , location_res); wx.chooseImage({ sizeType: [ 'compressed' ], sourceType: [ 'camera' ], success: function (image_res) { console.info( '[wx.chooseImage success]----->' , image_res); var filePaths = image_res.tempFilePaths; var formData = { folder: 'patrol' , longitude: location_res.longitude, latitude: location_res.latitude }; that.judgePrevFile(filePaths, 0, formData); //that.recursionUploadFile(filePaths, 0, formData); that.setData({ stageBtnDisabled: false , submitBtnDisabled: false }); }, fail: function (image_res) { console.info( '[wx.chooseImage fail]----->' , image_res); if (image_res.errMsg == 'chooseImage:fail auth deny' || image_res.errMsg == 'chooseImage:fail:auth denied' ) { app.checkAuthorization({}); } that.setData({ stageBtnDisabled: false , submitBtnDisabled: false }); } }); }, fail: function (location_res) { console.info( '[wx.getLocation fail]----->' , location_res); if (location_res.errMsg == 'getLocation:fail auth deny' || location_res.errMsg == 'getLocation:fail:auth denied' ) { app.checkAuthorization({}); } that.setData({ stageBtnDisabled: false , submitBtnDisabled: false }); } }); }, //判断上一个文件是否完成上传 judgePrevFile: function (filePaths, current, formData) { console.info( '[judgePrevFile]----->' , current); var that = this ; var progressArray = that.data.empJobApply.progressArray; if (progressArray.length > 0 && progressArray[progressArray.length - 1].url === '' ) { setTimeout( function () { that.judgePrevFile(filePaths, current, formData); }, 500); } else { that.recursionUploadFile(filePaths, current, formData); } }, //递归上传文件 recursionUploadFile: function (filePaths, current, formData) { console.info( '[recursionUploadFile]----->' , current); console.info( '[recursionUploadFile]----->' , '开始上传第' + (current + 1) + '个文件' ); var that = this ; var apply = that.data.empJobApply; apply.progressArray.push(Object.assign({}, defaultProgress, {uploading: true , progressShow: true })); that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); var uploadTask = tt.upload({ url: '/image/upload/single' , filePath: filePaths[current], name: 'image_file' , formData: formData, success: upload_res => { console.info( '[recursionUploadFile success]----->' , upload_res); if (upload_res.statusCode && upload_res.statusCode == 413) { wx.showToast({title: '文件太大啦!' , image: '../../utils/imgs/error-150.png' , duration: 3000}); apply.progressArray.splice(apply.progressArray.length - 1, 1); that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); return ; } var data = JSON.parse(upload_res.data); if (data.status && data.status == 500) { wx.showToast({title: '上传出错啦!' , image: '../../utils/imgs/error-150.png' , duration: 3000}); apply.progressArray.splice(apply.progressArray.length - 1, 1); that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); return ; } if (data.suc) { apply.imageIdArray.push(data.ext.imageId); apply.jobImageArray.push(data.info); apply.imageId = apply.imageIdArray.join( ',' ); apply.jobImage = apply.jobImageArray.join( ',' ); apply.progressArray[apply.progressArray.length - 1].url = data.info; apply.progressArray[apply.progressArray.length - 1].uploading = false ; apply.progressArray[apply.progressArray.length - 1].progressShow = false ; //wx.showToast({ title: '上传成功!', image: '../../utils/imgs/success-150.png', duration: 3000 }); } else { wx.showToast({title: data.msg, icon: 'none' , duration: 3000}); apply.progressArray.splice(apply.progressArray.length - 1, 1); } that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); }, fail: upload_res => { console.info( '[recursionUploadFile fail]----->' , upload_res); if (upload_res.errMsg == 'uploadFile:fail abort' ) { wx.showToast({ title: '已取消上传' , icon: 'none' , duration: 1500 }); } else { wx.showToast({ title: '上传失败!' , image: '../../utils/imgs/error-150.png' , duration: 1500 }); } apply.progressArray.splice(apply.progressArray.length - 1, 1); that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); }, complete: upload_res => { console.info( '[recursionUploadFile complete]----->' , upload_res); if ((current + 1) === filePaths.length) return ; that.recursionUploadFile(filePaths, ++current, formData); } }); apply.progressArray[apply.progressArray.length - 1].task = uploadTask; that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); //监听上传进度 uploadTask.onProgressUpdate((progress_res) => { apply.progressArray[apply.progressArray.length - 1].progress = progress_res.progress; that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); console.log( '[上传进度]----->' , progress_res.progress); console.log( '[已经上传的数据长度]----->' , progress_res.totalBytesSent); console.log( '[预期需要上传的数据总长度]----->' , progress_res.totalBytesExpectedToSend); }); //取消上传任务 //uploadTask.abort(); }, //删除上传图片 deleteImage: function (e) { console.info( '[deleteImage]----->' , e); var that = this ; var ploopIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.ploopindex; var apply = that.data.empJobApply; apply.imageIdArray.splice(ploopIndex, 1); apply.jobImageArray.splice(ploopIndex, 1); apply.imageId = apply.imageIdArray.join( ',' ); apply.jobImage = apply.jobImageArray.join( ',' ); if (apply.progressArray[ploopIndex] && apply.progressArray[ploopIndex].uploading) { apply.progressArray[ploopIndex].task.abort(); } else { apply.progressArray.splice(ploopIndex, 1); } that.setData({ empJobApply: apply }); }, |