Map - polyline
发布于 6 年前 作者 whuang 554 次浏览 来自 问答

In Map, when tried to create a route between two latitude and longitude, I just got a straight line connecting the marker instead of actual route. Is there any why to get a actual route.

7 回复

baidu map seems support London,here the link :首页

Thank you, I will try and post if any issues.

Yep, but does it support other countries. Or just use SDK to get the polyline points between multiple coordinates and use it?

Tried, its works only for the China and not for other countries. Do you know is there any other china map service that provide support to other countries also?I am building a app for London Tourisum for chinese people.

china only? i may read the document and it will show you how to use it.

try amap sdk :)
