How to debug testing requestPayment()?
发布于 6 年前 作者 hejing 19628 次浏览 来自 问答

Is there a way to test requestPayment() api without actually deducting money? I mean testing in debug environment.

Please let me know how to do it. Thank you

5 回复

Hmm…Do you have freestyle?

Thanks for quick reply 假樊家豪 ! Actually I didn’t try it yet, but soon. I think your approach is the best to test payment API here.

What is freestyle? Do you mean we can pay for something with 0 amount (i.e. 0 RMB) ? Is that possible?

I think the best way is that you could set the pay amount to be 1(which means 1 cent). Do you have any difficulty on making payment?
